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  3. accessiBe - Web Accessibility & ADA Compliance

accessiBe - Web Accessibility & ADA Compliance

Create a New Account

Create your new account using this link -> https://accessibe.com/a/a8styrx

Most clients will only need the 'Standard' plan. However, for Corporate or Enterprise level clients, you will need the 'Advanced' plan.

Already an accessiBe Customer?

Email support@accessibe.com and ask them to release your domain.

Then, email Bluehour so we can add the domain to our agency account. You can still access your Accessibe account like normal, but this allows our agency to implement and monitor your integration without giving us access to your billing account.

ADA Tax Credit for Web Accessibility

Always consult your CPA or tax professional on your details and qualifications. If your CPA firm doesn’t know this credit exists, tell them the form number (8826). https://accessibe.com/blog/news/ada-tax-credit

What is the ADA Tax Credit? 

The tax credit, listed under Section 44 of the IRS Code, covers 50% of the eligible access expenditures made during the previous tax year, with a maximum expenditure limit of $10,250. There is no credit for the first $250 of the expenditures, and so, it is subtracted accordingly. Therefore, the highest amount of credit a business can receive is $5,000. 

For example, a business spends $1,500 on accessibility fees. We would subtract $250 from that, which leaves $1250. The business is then receiving 50% of what’s left, which equals $625 in credit.

Who Qualifies

The ADA tax credit benefit is available to businesses that generated $1,000,000 or less during the year prior to filing or businesses that employ 30 or fewer full-time employees.

How to Apply

Please refer to the Tax Incentives for Improving Accessibility Fact Sheet which provides facts on the tax credit. 

Once you have confirmed that your business is eligible, fill out Form 8826 to apply. It must then be attached to your yearly tax return and sent alongside it. You’re able to find Form 8826 on the IRS government website, where you can also research the rules and stipulations regarding the tax credit itself. More instructions can also be found on page 2 of Form 8826. You can also read more on the IRS Tax Credits and Deductions page on the Americans with Disabilities Act website. 

Key Stipulations

The great news is that the ADA tax credit can be applied for and earned on an annual basis! Although, expenditures may not be carried over from the previous year to claim a credit that exceeded the expenditure limit from the year before. But, if the credit amount you’re entitled to exceeds the amount of taxes that you owe, you are allowed to roll the unused portion of the credit forward into the next year. 

The tax credit covers the following accessibility and ADA-related expenditures:

  • web accessibility solutions or tools that optimize websites
  • the hiring of sign language interpreters
  • the purchase of adaptive equipment
  • the production of accessible formatting on printed materials (braille, large print, audiotape, computer diskette)
  • the removal of architectural barriers in facilities or vehicles
  • fees for consulting services

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