WordPress | Creating a Blog Post with WordPress and Elementor (Advanced)
This guide will walk you through how to publish a blog in WordPress using Elementor.
Instructions for Creating a Blog Post
1. Log into WordPress.
2. Click on 'Posts'
3. Click on 'Add New'
4. Now you are in the editor.
5. Enter your title.
When building your title, consider these best practices:
- Make the title concise, attractive, and informative
- Keep the title length under 60 characters (the viewable limit)
- Use easy-to-understand language/terminology
6. Enter your focus keyphrase
In this example, we are using 'marketing for beginners'; however, please thoroughly research the keyword(s) you will be using.
7. If relevant, you may also add a related keyphrase.
8. Click on SEO
9. Write your meta description.
The best practices for meta descriptions are:
- Keep it under 155 characters
- Include your focus keyword
- Include a 'trail off' or call-to-action
- Make it intriguing to entice readers
- Use the meta as a brief introduction to the article
10. Meta descriptions can also be snippets of the introduction of the article.
However, remember to include the focus keyphrase (this example shown is not an example of a good meta description, but instead used to illustrate how to set this up)
11. Click on 'Featured Image'
12. Click on 'Set featured image'
13. Click on the featured image that you will be using or upload a featured image.
14. Ensure that alt text is added.
Alt text is the text that e-readers will read out to explain what an image is portraying. Search engines also use this to understand what an image is, which is why it affects SEO.
15. Click on 'Set featured image'
16. Click on 'Categories'
17. Select a category that aligns best with your post's content.
18. In this example, we are using 'Digital Marketing'
19. Click on 'Save draft'
20. Click on 'Edit with Elementor'
21. Alternatively, you can click on the empty space with the 'E' logo.
22. Now you are in the Elementor editor.
23. Click on the ' + '
24. Click on the single box with the downward-facing arrow.
You can use any of these options; however, for simplicity, it is best to stick to the basics until you are more comfortable with the editor.
25. Click on highlight
26. Now you can drag and drop the 'Text Editor'.
After you have added the text editor section (the introduction section), you can add each subsequent title and text editor that is necessary.
27. When building your post, keep these pointers in mind.
Ensure that your headers are configured correctly (H1s, H2s, and/or optional H3s)
Ensure that links are set up correctly (external links are set up to open in a new tab...)
Check images to make sure they are the correct size and under 200kb
Break up large sections of text with headers or sub-headers
Check the Yoast SEO and Readability scores for tips on improving your content
28. Once you have finished your blog post, click the upward-facing arrow next to 'Publish' (In this case, it says update because this is a published post)
29. Click on 'Save Draft'
30. Click on the hamburger menu.
31. Click on 'EXIT'